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ughh is there anyway to stop the slave thing in Babili whatever I enter I wanted to open to free one of them but I’m stuck unless I have to restart to the beginning and I don’t want that!…


Destroy Babili slavers will be a late game content in the future.


I have to say I love how ever city/town have a unique way to destroy it like the one where you help the slavers or using nukes or just attacking the town your self 

With Babili I think it will be something like starting a slave rebellion? 


id love to see more foot fetish content


There'll be more

When will the next update come ?


Later this month


Could we play as a ftm protagonist in the future?




Yes, more feminization options in the next settlement.


the game says I have two companions when I only have the dog on me. If I leave the dog in the forest then it says I have one companion (I don't). I think I have a ghost companion.


Thanks for the report


how do i enter inner bablli? Im an elite but still cant enter


I don't think it's in the game yet


Is there any way to fuck Robin?


Have 10 Charisma, tell him he should have the pill's power increased when offering to pay for his treatment, pass the stat checks without backing down, and he'll join you as a feminine companion. From there go to companions, interact with him, and seduce him.

You only need 8 charisma if you choose the top option instead of the middle one


My save files keeps disappearing mysteriously . It's really good don't get me wrong. One of the best text base in fact. But I can't just keep restarting a new save file whenever the old one somehow disappears. Could the dev pls2 make a debug menu so that I could get to my previous save point earlier? It's eating away half of my time whenever I try to reach to my previous save file just to see new updates. Or at least tell me if there's a way to retrieve my old save file


Read q&a

Hey icy, can I get a hint for the whereabouts of the second keycard?


Seek the old world bones and ye shall find the old world key. Room B5.


So, I went to Babili, threatened the guy at the arena, immediately got enslaved (without even a fight first!) and then game over'd when I disobeyed orders, and... well, up until now, I was fine, things were about what I expected aside from not getting a chance to fight. But. When I went to reload... all my saves and backup saves, including the autosave, were suddenly gone! What the fuck. Yeah, that kinda, killed my motivation to play.


Read q&a.

(1 edit) (-6)

I actually did use save to disk a couple times... a long while back. My last save to disk was just after I had first left Nogas, which was a long while ago. I stopped using it since the in-game save system appeared to work just fine and this is slower and less convenient, would have used it again if I closed the game down to pick up later.

Did not clear cache, or do anything different between this and my most recent save or load; saving had worked fine before, I had saved just before this (because, as I mentioned, I was expecting a high chance of game over), I had reloaded several times (also just recently, because I had game over'd from something else), not sure why everything suddenly disappeared without warning this time.

I would be completely fine if, instead of this happening, I had gone to save and found that everything had suddenly disappeared. Because then I'd just know to use save to disk all the time. But instead it all suddenly disappeared right when I most needed to load.

Just so we're clear, I'm not expecting to get my save back or anything; I fully understand that the data is gone. I just want whatever caused this in the first place to be fixed so this doesn't happen again, to me or anyone else.

How do I get the new content? Do I have to download and reinstall the game?


Does anyone know how to use cheats or console commands on android phones? I'm using JoiPlay and I can't seem to figure it out.


Started playing to get to the sex scenes, then after playing for a while and joining the Debris Walkers, I got far more interested in the characters and plot. Great job with the writing!




Are there any cheat codes or ways to cheat?

I dont think so

(+2) edit your save and play more casual

oh wow that's a really handy tool. thanks


what all can you find in the swamps and bomb pit?

whats the password to the bunker in the bomb pit i forgot


81 0674 you will find a gun but you will need more than 150 hp because of a trap


Are there any cheats in game? Like more gold, stamina etc.


I don't think so 

by the way "gold" ?

I meant currency, forgot what it was.




I was like this aint sus it was dogs but when i looked at the end...


totally loving this game so far. i see all this talk about having slaves and rank I've played through several times haven't seen option to take a slave. How do i do this is there certain stats i need or a certain route i need to play?


Buy one in the Babili bazaar or go on raids, raid encounters are random.


havent been lucky enough to trigger the raids.. and when i goto the tent the only option i see is to use the one thats "on duty" so i guess im doing something wrong lol


I love this game, like seriously. Good job, its super good!



can you help me


how do you cheat

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

this game is very fun but for me there is something that would do it better

a weapon to meelee that is a ship anchor

I know it sounds weird but it would be very funny

I don't know if you could add it in an update but if you did I would really appreciate it

a and sorry for my lousy english is that I'm using a translator


This is a pretty fun game so far, and I am enjoying it quite a bit. I think I have a few suggestions to offer.

1: I think in the forest you should have the option to hunt a "group" of wolves, so that you can fight 3 or more at a time, giving more powerful players a means to quickly get wolf meat for cash or food. Perhaps this can be counter-balanced however by only letting the player do this about 4 times before a kind of cooldown is required, contextualized by the wolf wild life just scattering to the winds for a time from your efforts. The cooldown could be a solid 24 hours, or maybe even half a day so the player can cover most of the time by resting.

2: Taming a mutant wolf would be awesome, maybe give the player a means to mutate the pet wolf for extra effects like poison or such. The balance against the normal dog is that the mutant wolf goes off on it's own from time to time, possibly right before the player chooses a fight to encounter (But scripted to never happen during say a wait for an ambush from a bandit, so the player isn't randomly totally screwed.)

3: I honestly think the farming job should pay more then 1 gundpowder, even if it makes some sense that it only pays a measly 1 compared to the early sex work, I think giving the player 3 or 5 is a bit more fair.

Aside from those thoughts, this game is very nice, and I look forward to seeing it progress!


Will there be more characters like "Sue"? It would be awesome to also have some male characters along those lines as well, thus allowing for a wider range of cuteness.

How do I actually get into the inner city of babbil? I’ve gotten the elite role and I still can’t enter?


In the last update he said "Elite and Master ranks are available now but do note that their benefits are not in game yet and won't be for a while" plus I think he still wants to make other ways that doesn't have to do was slavery , not to mention a new map for the inner city, so this will probably take a while

Oh right, thanks a lot

Deleted 219 days ago

go to the village in the swamp you have a better chances of finding them there of walk from one place to another in the map 

Heya. I would like to subscribe to your Patreon, but what is included in your subscription-only version(early content) compared to the public version? I tried to look into your discord, but it wasn't stated anywhere. Or did I miss somewhere?


idk if this has been addressed, but i ran into a bug where the weapon "duelist" doesn't detect .38 ammo.  I have 175 amount of .38.  I did change to the PK pistol and does recognize that I do have .38 ammo.

I haven't played since April, and I noticed that the date and time are messed up, I imagine I need to start over to get rid of the errors?

(1 edit) (+3)

Hey ya'll, I'm trying to build a Kenshiro-esque character, a veritable Immortal Iron Fist of the North star Protector of the wasteland, sworn enemy of the slavers, and I'd like to know if there's any way to get chi powers (or something similar but more setting appropriate, such as a muture or Psyker ability) and where I can find all the Unarmed Combat boosters, and if there's any Unarmored Combat boosters. Preferably non-evil ones, but I'd still like to know about the others as well. I've made it to grayditch and trained with Kay-T and learned indomitable, but is there anything else as of the most recent public build? Again, I'd prefer non-evil options, preferably hetero as well (not hatin' just rollin my cha like dat!), but I'd still like to know about everything currently available. Oh, and any items that boost unarmed and/or unarmored as well. You... can probably tell I main MNK.

Oh, before I forget, this is actually pretty damn fun. I honestly prefer this game to FALLOUT 4 and everything that's come out after it. I still love 3, and NV will always be the best to me, if only because I'm an Elvis fan, born and raised! XD

(Also, the lewd stuff is nice, but I really just love the whole thing! You rock!) ^~^y

EDIT: I just reached Last Elysium with Charlotte. All I can say is: Bless you! T~Ty


There's only one unarmed perk as of now. The next one will be found at the tribal village in the next few updates.


BITCHIN! ^o^y (Gets ready to punch some cunts like a tribal beast of war!)

But will it be possible to learn the fighting styles of the other fighters in the death arena? I actually "beat everything" (LOL!) in this version last night and I couldn't help but get the feeling that... "Hrodin" (?) the old martial arts master from the Arena, could teach you stuff if ya didn't kill him. (Honestly, only dude I felt bad about beating, at least he seemed to have found that perfect zen we martial artists strive for)

Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing this game develop and blossom.

You are really quite talented, please believe that. And dude, again, bless you! XD

Happy Halloween! (Or perhaps I should say "Fappy" Halloween!) >;}


How do you go to the new location BGM ?


It stands for back ground music.


Agreed, more Derek 

Deleted 2 years ago

im here to advocate on behalf of all derek enjoyers: more derek plis

Heavily agreed


Allow me to please both Derek's lovers AND haters by saying only two words:

(Readies microphone and clears throat) *AHEM!*

(Breathes in deeply and then shouts into the microphone)


(The crowd erupts into boisterous cheers AND jeers)

(I look at the crowd and think to myself 'Works every time!') XD


will we ever get to have a female dog companion? Also feel's like dog dont have much in the game that affect's out comes very much. no warning growls if dog dont like a character or a special skill it stall a enemy for a turn. cause its a dog bitting you so you try to shake it off. just a thought.


How to cheat on browser

Eh if your on pc goto console Depending on what you want to cheat is what you can edit. If you want to cheat stats, columns 695 - 701 are where you should edit. Just change the starting 5 to 999 (over 1,000 and the game gives an error code). To make life easier, instead of scrolling to column 695, Ctrl + F and search "set $strength" and it should get you to the line of code.  For cheating money, go to line 959 (or Ctrl + F "$getpipegun -= 1, $gunpowder += 3") and replace it with "$getpipegun -= 0, $gunpowder += 999". (obviously, make sure not to copy or paste the quotation marks). What this does is let you "sell" your pipe gun for 999 gunpowder and your pipe gun stays in your inventory, so just spam it as much as you want.  This should be pretty damn easy, but if you need help I can add screenshots to make it easier if necessary.   Oh and if you want the game to be on easy mode, just equip a melee weapon (your melee does 2 * 999 damage). If you want to struggle but succeed in every stat check, equip a gun. You'll still need to equip armour and heal because shit hurts in this game. (This is not mine I just copied it from someone else this way was over a year ago so idk ifit still works).

this is the comentbi was looking for

LMAO this was back when i was actually smart and not dumb like i am today lol 


How old is Ethan exactly not asking for anything weird just curious 


Who's Ethan ?


Susan's son


Request for scenes: Charlotte is definitely well loved, since shes actually with you the most. You spend a lot of time with Susan in the hotel for all the free heals and all your time in that area. Eerie is just too beautiful for one scene, I actually loved being a Walker a lot more, but I killed them all just for Eerie lmao. It'd be great if she could get more scenes. She is obviously a dom, but is there any chance she could be a switch and we can have an option to dom her instead? And any possibility of Eerie as a companion? Maybe a mini quest? Thanks for the great content! 


You killed the good guys for a depressed girl with daddy problems 😂

honestly i did the same thing, but really i found no upsides to not blowing up the walkers



You could have joined both sides and than make peace to gain the advantage of both sides and gain (pacemaker) 

Deleted 2 years ago

You should try buying sex toys from "On her own" and repeatedly use it I suppose :D

i couldn't unzip the file on android 


Try Joiplay :3


Thank you kind stranger :)

Just get a white screen when I try

Is there any way to cheat on mobile?


download the game and you'll need any application to change HTML code (I heavily suggest Brackets, they're free and have an inbuilt webpage viewer). Right-click "Wasteland Lewdness.Html" and open it in Brackets. Depending on what you want to cheat is what you can edit. If you want to cheat stats, columns 695 - 701 are where you should edit. Just change the starting 5 to 999 (over 1,000 and the game gives an error code). To make life easier, instead of scrolling to column 695, Ctrl + F and search "set $strength" and it should get you to the line of code.  For cheating money, go to line 959 (or Ctrl + F "$getpipegun -= 1, $gunpowder += 3") and replace it with "$getpipegun -= 0, $gunpowder += 999". (obviously, make sure not to copy or paste the quotation marks). What this does is let you "sell" your pipe gun for 999 gunpowder and your pipe gun stays in your inventory, so just spam it as much as you want.  This should be pretty damn easy, but if you need help I can add screenshots to make it easier if necessary.   Oh and if you want the game to be on easy mode, just equip a melee weapon (your melee does 2 * 999 damage). If you want to struggle but succeed in every stat check, equip a gun. You'll still need to equip armour and heal because shit hurts in this game. (This is not mine I copied it from someone else).

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