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Does having a bigger breasts makes any  differences ?

Deleted 1 year ago

You get nothing at all?  Well I guess there is no point of spending money for nothing

Love the game even while it’s not finished just stumped on the A3 locker code I have no clue as to what it is

Its andrew


Amazing game so far feels exactly like the fallout experience just with much more freedom. I have "completed" the campaign so far, and the only downside of my time playing was the lack of side quests and the occasional grammar error but with a game like this I don't mind since it fits in somewhat, also I found a glitch (I play on android) i bought the mac-11 to use and it said I had no bullets while in combat even though I bought 30 rounds but then when I tried to sell the mac-11 in babili I was able to sell it an infinite amount of times. If you need any help with troubleshooting anything I'd be down to run through the game again! 


is there a way to get into the inner walls of babili yet? or will i just die everytime for now? also would love to see some more actual slave content with derek, like a recapture in babili or smth.


Here's hoping for functional chastity one day. Especially if you avoid Derek's forced feminization 

Any cheats?


You need to use the console. (F12 in Firefox and probably also in other browsers)

Use the Code

to see the variables. After finding out, how they named in the code, you can Change them there.


As an example, with: = 10(put variable name instead of xxx)

You change the chosen variable to a value of 10

impossible.. I'm playing on my Xbox, please don't ask


Well, that might be a problem, if you want to use cheats.

About a month ago I looked it up on google (yes, there are some usable results) and it seemed, that the console is the only way right now.

Nevermind, just saw that it works😅


Is there a way to make your stats go higher? Like Intelligence, Charisma, etc.

use = "any number" for example

Will there be an option to become other professions? (Like Slave master, etc).


Are you planning into add more companions ?


more? the ones we have now i dont think are all the way finish yet.  alot more can be done fleshing out some of them. would love more personal time an story if your with them for longer an if you have other companions will get mad or jealous if you favor 1 over another. can get way deeper.

I know but I was thinking that there is only 3 companions but you can only have two at the same time ,like if that was like RPGs the party is usually 4, what I mean is if those was the only companions will just let us have them all at once but if there was more than it makes sense that there is a limit

who are all the companions in the game?

hello. I was running the quest for Rustu's gang? it told me to go to N-085 but... I cannot access the N-085 from the map. I tried to finish Debris' walkers to see if it is needed to be completed so i could access the N-085 in the map but... 
Whenever I'm out from the town, it only shows two accessible places (Greyfold and Nogas) I'm currently playing on my phone. Help please Q^Q

How do i increase my stats?

By the equipment but sometimes you can get bonuses for a quest


What is the origin of that Ghost_Town background music? It gives me serious nostalgic vibe.

There is a ghost town ?


It's the name of the background music that you can find in the game folder, but sadly I can't find what is that music from (if its from some other game, or where it was used as well) it's reminding me something and i can't figure it out :D

there is many apps that can Identify it for you, but I think you already tried that so if none of them identify it ,it could be an original for the game 

(2 edits) (+2)

Yea I tried like 5 or 6.. But they didn't even find other song that I know, when I tried it so... they are probably mostly usable for music with lyrics, or popular songs.

I even tried to upload it to youtube but they said there are no copyright claims :/ 

I will not give up tho... I think it's rather non-copyrighted music than OC

EDIT: ok got it, it's music published for OGA 2020 October Art Challenge "Urban Legends" - (if someone would be obssessed as well lol)

Anyhoo it was not used in the other post-apocaltyptic game as I thought, so I was mistaken. At least I can go sleep with peace of mind, now that I found it xD 


Wow man you surely don't gave up easily

i have 10 int and the aluminum fever. that is 11 int i can get. is there a way to bump it up to 12? (i chose traitless)

Is there anyway to romance Maddox during the Debris Walker newbie phase?

this game is cool, I wish the author patience so that he can finish this game

How do i go to the next day 

Time in the game pass by doing any kind of action like working and talking to people or by sleeping if you have somewhere to sleep

Hi the peacemaker perk is not adding the extra stat point I have 8 base with the alluminium fever and the perk but I'm stuck at 9 with the alluminium fever equiped

So I have a suggestion about  companions system, since there is a limit how many can came with you and the rest are in your home can you make it like RPGs were you can have alot of companions but not all of them fight, I mean all your companions will be following you all the time and you can interact with them and see the random events they have but in a fight only the two you selected will fight .l know it's lazy but going all the way back home is kind boring also you don't have to worry about adding a new companion if a are already full

(1 edit)

that would work. tho the companion systume would have to be redone from scratch. with the way it is now. an making it to that way from it is now would cause alot more error's. as far as i could tell. tho they games creator know's what there doing. This opinion is just what i am seeing withe the error's my self. 

They can use the same system as the equipment system were you have alot of stuff but only the ones you selected have an effect in battle and name tham first companion and second companion 

And maybe even make them affect your status when they are selected for example character A gave you +1charisma , character B gave you +2 strength and so on 

Great game by the way 

damn, just lost all progress I made in the game, oh well it wont be so bad to play it again


Save to the disk is always recommended.


I really do love this game, but I have been having this bug where there's just red boxes everywhere with messages such as "Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot convert undefined or null to object Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot convert undefined or null to object " are displayed. 

This isn't really that bad as I could just ignore these, however I can't pick up companions anymore because of the malfunctions. Firstly, the message "You have $comslots companions with you." Is displayed on the companions page. When I drop off one of my companions, "You have [number NaN] companions with you." Appears, and suddenly, I cannot pick up any more companions.

This is most likely just a corruption of my personal save files because when I start a new game it seems to be doing fine (no red text boxes anywhere), but can you help me on how to fix this if you can? I really don't want to redo hours of gameplay, so I'd really appreciate it.

Love your work by the way, the game you have created is incredibly good.


Thank you and could you tell me the details of where you found those error messages? So I can figure out if it's bugs or save corruption from the 0.19.3 update.

It doesn't look like it's caused by something from the 0.19.3 update, so I assume this is a 0.18 or older save? As I said in update logs, you need to start a new save to have the time system in 0.19 update work properly.

(Sorry for the late reply, stuff happened and I wasn't able to visit this for a while.)

I don't know if this is what you instructed me to do since I'm not a very smart individual, but I deleted the save file and saved again. It still had the red box thingies, so I'm probably not doing it right. I'm really sorry for this being so troublesome. I thank you so much for being patient with helping me.

Here is an image of my saves. As you can see, they are all pretty recent. Every single save I loaded was filled with the red boxes, whether I load the 2021 save or the save I did today.

No problem, what I meant was you need to start a new game.

i can't enter the "Red Light Room" nor enter the "Death Arena" to save my parents. Is it because you haven't finished the game?


will there be any chance of having kids in the game?


It would be cool to maybe not have kids, but implement some kind of impregnation system in the game


thats what i meant, like, to have kids with charlotte or any other female companion, although having a few more kids around the game world would be a good idea, so far theres only the kid that lives with susan, with humans being humans, there should be more running around, maybe not so much in greyfold but more so in nogas and elysium maybe, places that are more calm and less 'dangerous' for a kid to grow up in, itd make the world feel more lived in


I feel like I shouldn't but, I just adore Derek.


when will there be an option to play a true female from the start or is that something for a future updated?

last time some one asked this question thae answer  was no. hell i be greatful if we Could choose if dog was male or female. so tired of all dog's in games all way's male. |:´ ( 

(1 edit) (+3)

why does it even matter what gender a pet is on an erotica game? what, you wanna impregnate it or something?


its not just a pet. its a companion witch your with an most likely first companion. an overwhelmingly all was male im tried of  animal companion's being male. having a choice of female or male in the only beastlaity part of the game were you have any control over would be great.  

I think I bugged out after talking to the slave guy in the slave city, I think I'm supposed to be able to go to the death arena after talking to him but I can't. Or perhaps it's just not finished yet?


And I can't figure out the locker code


code is andrew


I can't get back to the vault?

what's a good app for android that cam be used to play the game?

When I try to go back to the lady who has her debt after I got fucked to clear it, it just says "Error: <<if>>: <<else>> must be the final clause"


Same if you pay 300 it is buged i guess

Yeah, I just did that route too, it seems like it.

Love the game but after helping susan at the hotel im getting a if error wont let me return to her any fixes for this?

I have the same problem... i already dealt with the thug at the bar but the option to go back to her isn't there...

Fixed in 0.18.2



Got a couple questions, first is there an available full kinks list, second the locker in the bunker I can't remember if I got the code for it. Lastly there's a bug that wont let me finish Susan's quest.


Can someone tell me what do I do to get Maddox's sex scene I've been waiting to ride him-

u gotta be so gentle to him and understanding on the choices and only follow the Debris Walkers missions

ah fuck- nevermind i'll try to restart my progress some other day

thank you tho!

love the new update but the mother in the greyfold hotel (cant remember name) no longer exists and i have to go all the way back to nogas to fully heal for free


Oops, she should be back now.


How do I install this on Android?

So far I haven't been able to figure out how


Read Q&A.

Hey, 3 questions. What is the 6 digit code on the door in the bunker, is their a way to up your intelligence? I have 11 intelligence by maxing it out with 10 and adding 1 with my perk, I want 12 to see what happens if I crack the missiles and is their a gasmask? I can't find any to enter the bomb pit.

(1 edit)

Bunker code is supposedly 810674. However when i use it it just continues to say it's locked.

That is the code for the bomb shelter in the bombed area, ive seen people say the one you're looking for is andrew but i do not know

for: map -> greyfold -> bomb pit -> bunker, the code is 810674. for: map -> N-085 bunker -> enter -> left door -> A3, the code is Andrew. u can buy a gasmask at the ruins fashion, in east greyfold. and lastly, u can buy a black rollie at the tribal village storehouse, which once you consume it at the bunker, will give u the 1 more intelligence u need 4 the missiles. Hope this helps.


What about being able to fuck the animals and mutant creatures too? Like, not just get fucked by them, but being able to fuck them too

Uhh.. It's there..


Wait, really? Then how can i do it? Because every time i fought an animal or mutant creature, even if i won or just let it use my body, i couldn't fuck them, all i could do was get fucked by them

Oh, I thought you meant your companion, apologies. Indeed, you can't have any intercourse with other animals/mutant animal-like creature, other than the dog companion that you obtain by rescuing. But it would be quite interesting if they added it to the game.

Indeed, it would. i hope they do.


Could you add some Robin content, both top and bottom?


Can you add a "are you sure" thing when selling items?


Will there be a way to increase your stats? Either by leveling up or achieving some sort of milestone. Or will it all be equipment based? I noticed that some dialog options require fairly high stats and depending on how someone created their character, it may not be possible to have 8 or 10 in a stat even with the boost from available equipment


yea but that sort of the point? makes character building more meaningful imo


Will species transformation be a part of a future update?

I found myself wondering about this after meeting Sue in Last Elysium.

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