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(2 edits)

The pics in the game automatically gets put in the photos/gallery on my phone is there a way to prevent it if i try to put in a private album the pics do not show in the game, and if possible can the game be turn into a apk?

Do you understand how to use a .nomedia file on Android? You can put one of those in the game folder and your gallery app should exclude the images from that folder. 

Am l the only smartass that killied the slavers in nogas all by myself?

Deleted post

Farm a lot of food and bullets, get that scrap armor, and then you go hitting and healing

Tell me how to get into the Shine Town
(2 edits) (+1)

You save your parents from Babili

(Questline - Map (Obtained from Greyfold, advanced by Dr.Choppy) - N-085 bunker- Any door - Go down a level - Defeat the 2 guys down there ; ask them about your parents and they'll tell you they're enslaved in Babili - Go to Babili (be prepared, there are too many ways to get enslaved there) - Head to the death arena to ask about your parents (If the option doesn't show up you may have to go to the bazaar first?) - Don't threaten the guy or you'll be enslaved instead calm down and leave - Think of another way to free your parents - Either sneak in or win a battle in the death arena - Go to the area (Nogas) where your parents said they would be after the dialogue - Ask them about the CPU and they'll give you the directions to Shine Town!)

Hope this helps!

(Ps. Being a slaver is not worth it unless you want to destroy relationships (Robin and Winston) and enslave families, it was not very doki-doki completing the questline to master rank ; Derek is freaky legit)


Hey! I've reached Shine Town and became an Official, but i don't know how to progress on the CPU Quest! No pointers, no actual quest log... Is the main story unfinished? :b

What is the max number of companions I can have at a time and what is the minimum charisma I need for it?

The max I can have is 4 companions and thats with me cheating getting me 100 charisma but I believe it caps way before 100.

Well at least now I know the cap I guess. :/

Deleted post

Love it it's an amazing game but I just my save files with over 3k turns (not blaming you that typically happens with story based games like this) and since I know all the beginning stuff I'll probably stop playing but wish you the best of luck for updates to come


Saves are in your browser's cache, so either avoid clearing your browser cache or use "save to disk" and get a save file that you can store anywhere you like.


I'm merely curious... I just noticed that it mentions incest among the fetishes but the disclaimer states none of the characters are related by blood or law so, uh... how would there be incest?


main character has two parents they are off to save. but are they really his parents? up to you decide

Ah, okay. I was just confused by these details as they seemed contradictory due to the nature of what incest entails to be considered as such

(1 edit) (+4)

Hi Icy Viridian.

Any chance to have an option to play a female protagonist one day?
And if so, to play as a lesbian?

I understand if you don't plan to do so, as it may required a lot of work.


It is planned to add those, read fq&a for more info.

Is there any way to increase your intelligence by one once you reach Greyfold

Don't know but I had a 7 intelligence and used a unique weapon to bypass the door in the pit

you can buy a case at the pawn shop that can be made into a gun that gives one intelligence when equip. needs a intelligence of 7 I think

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(4 edits) (+5)

Keensense is just a straight 1 for 1 addition to damage.
Also, HP does not increase in a 10-20-20 cycle. Starting at 10, It's 20 points each in most cases; with three instances of 10; two instances of 0; and one instance of 60 points (30). Note that I may have cocked up a little bit when transcribing the HTML values to a table.

Maximum companions (gets altered when you refresh your companion number):

  • < 4 = 1
  • < 7 = 2
  • < 10 = 3
  • < 15 = 4
  • < 20 = 5
  • < 25 = 6
  • = 25 = no change (literally no change, not 6. Clearly unintentional)
  • > 25 = 7
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No idea if 30 constitution (or higher) is possible. I just hit Ctrl+U, then looked at the `Nurture your own health` passage and got the values from there. I found the companion stuff on `Reset maximum companion number`.
I did Ctrl+F and found 17 times where constitution is increased by 1 point (not counting character creation but including the starting trait and hunger buff). I don't know if any of those are repeatable.


So on the android version when i use it on joiplay i can't save anymore, can i ask for help on this?


Will there be Chinese?会有中文吗?

No plans for any translation any time soon.


Will there be a male companion similar to Zavvi? (being not human)

Not planned as of now. Unless someone commissions it.


i hope you can add playing as female as well.

Read fq&a for more info.

Deleted post

Thanks. Yes reactions for player appearance are planned


any chance you can add an option for the dog companion to be a female? like the first time you check underneath the dog it give you an option for what you see, so the mc can choose either male or female?


nice game to ever created on earth and good for imagination


so uh.. i got the perk "shinie" due to my dumbass kept roaming and trying to find the hazmat.. how do i cure "shinie".. please it negates 5 charisma

(1 edit) (+1)

you're suppose to be able to get plastic surgery from Dr choppy, to remove the shinie perk, but i can't find it for anything. 

edit: you need to get the documents for the advanced surgery and emplants to Dr. choppy, wait for a week, and talk to her about it, but it's 3000 grams to get it done


i killed Humm and destroyed The Elysium killing those innocents and chil- plus gained nightmare perk probably killed Charlotte too

i nuked whole Greyfold i destroyed whole Tribal village 

I enslave 1573 in Babili as master slaver

GG i wanna see what dev thinking about after seeing this.

suggestion : after became champion of death race and death arena plus master slaver can you make something 'special' like...we can take over Babili as the head leader or maybe make people vote for it...uh just suggesting.


I think you missed Nogas, if you help the slavers at the bar you can destroy it too. 

I plan to add ways to destroy every single settlement and kill absolutely every soul in the wasteland.

(2 edits)

really? i was so innocent in that part lol tell me whats gonna happen if i destroy Nogas? And how Charlotte and other companions will react? 

edit: destroy every single settlement and kill absolutely every soul in the wasteland...thats insane 😂 it makes me think what the ending gonna be and how The Tower City would react

Em i have request for this game about the Debris Walker army i wish there is more perks or things to do when got the captain rank for example somethings like can take some recruits for a day or two to help in battle to add more damage by paying them or just order them around.If not then its okay i still enjoy this game.

anyway about that parents part...yk what i mean...ah was so unexpected and wild tbh still great

How do I get into a relationship with Roland?

(1 edit)

need to do bounty missions in Shine town place by doing those elite bounty missions

im confused where to find the babili's city meeting


If you are talking about slaver's council meeting, it's not in game yet.


are there plans for pregnancy content?

Not at the moment, but you can commission fetish scenes like these through patreon.


My saves deleted with the most recent update...


Save to file is a handy little feature.


Hey, the game is good, I just wanted to point out the art for the scenes, for example when you ask Charlotte for a BJ, the girl that's drawn there looks the same as the one in the bandit scene and doesn't even have a horn, I would definitely like to see bespoke artwork for the scenes of each character rather than one image constantly being reused.


will you ever add or plan to add a cheat option in the game ? I know you have instructions but I still have trouble doing it.


Whenever I download the game both the music and photos never work, how do I fix it? 


If you are using andorid, use joiplay app, if you are on PC, keep the html file and the folders together and don't change their names.


can someone teach me how to cheat or html?

(1 edit) i use this to edit save files for a bunch of games like this

not supported


no save editors or cheats are supported, you roll the dice and see if it works


How do i download on android?


I cant get the zipfile to run on android


It's inside the zip file.

Download one of many file manager apps and use it to open the zip file.

(2 edits)

Fun game!

I've made some QoL modifications if you're interested. I've changed the following:

* Converted the weapons if-else chain into JSON objects. Tried to keep it simple.
* Added a playeritems object to hold inventory items
* made the weapons menu now iterate through playeritems
* Generic popup window for weapons using the corresponding JSON object. Also shows amount of ammo you have for that weapon and amount of that weapon you own for QoL
* Johnny's shop in Nogas has a weapons inventory. Shop will show each item in inventory formatted exactly like the current weapons list.
* Buying weapon will use JSON to set/increment the corresponding $getweapon variable for backwards compatibility
* Equipping gun will set the $ammo variable based on JSON ammo type as above. Also, the equip link will change to unequip immediately by using a <<replace>> macro
* Adding weapons is now as simple as copy+pasting another weapon's JSON object and changing the values.
* All of the above can be done with other items, it's just a lot of donkey work.
Haven't done the selling stuff part yet.

* Start screen now has the stats+inventory etc. hidden. Better first impression for future players!
* Character creation menu: compressed ability score values into one list with the +/- buttons next to their numerical value for usability
* Character creation menu: Default name and random name buttons. Default physical features too (hair colour, etc.), including fail safes on the measurements to give actual numerical values.
* Nogas hole is now a generic passage with each work type.
* Hole now has QoL options: repeat, back to middle stall, random. Something like that.
* Nogas bar has been reformatted/prettied up(imo) for readability
* Nogas Frank order something and Nogas town overview has likewise been given some love to make it easier to parse the options. Actually, just a lot of stuff with Frank and Nogas in general.
* Portraits of people you've already met are now half the size. Just the Nogas folk so far, still WIP. Just a personal pet peeve they were so large and in the way.
* Did a little work on the wolf fights, but nothing exciting. My plan is to make a generic fight passage and enemy objects just like items.
* Corrected a few grammar/spelling mistakes but tried not to because that's scope creep.

Probably a bunch of other stuff that I don't remember.

Drop me a line if you're interested in using any of this stuff or otherwise collaborating.




That's a lot of stuff, yup I'm interested! Join the discord server and send me a friend request so we can talk there

Cool, I'll join in a couple days when I'm free. I have a bunch more things done with items etc. - I wrote a script to convert if-else into JSON instead of manual data entry.
My new plan is to rework everything I've done - with all these changes we might as well do it properly.


How can I get a cage to buy a slave?



Hey, I can't seem to save my saves to disk or upload them to a newer version of the game, if it helps I'm playing on Version 46.3, trying to patch to 54.2

Importing saves older than 0.50.0 will result in bugs because of some big system updates, so I recommend start a new game

(1 edit) (-1)

New here, and still at the beginning of the game, I would like to know if this character Derek, can be enslaved by the MC, and if we can make this Derek, more feminine with surgeries or drugs?

And I'm enjoying the story so far!


Nothing planned on enslaving Derek






Random question: Do you plan to add preg?

How do I seduce Roland and Robin


How do I stop the acid rain in Shine Town from taking my life? I need help please


You need to buy the hazmat suit from the supermarket in shine town


Hi, thanks for answering, I literally searched all over Shine Town and even died twice but I didn't find anything, only the riot armor appears.

(1 edit) (+1)

You went to the wrong place don't go to shine town clothing go to the sunny super market


Hi, thanks for answering, I've already checked all the stores and also this one, but the only thing that appears is the gas mask, I even let a few days go by to see if something new appears but nothing happened, now my charm is at 5


Look for it in the Sunny Supermarket's Miscellaneous section, not Wearables.

I made it a misc item so players don't have to put it on manually every time they are in Shine Town.

Thank you so much, I was starting to get frustrated.

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Thanks for the report

It really is a challenge for mobile lol, since you can't save you have to be critical lol


You can save by opening the save menu and pressing the little floppy disk icon or pressing the 'save to disk' button. It might look different depending on what browser setting or app you use, but surely you can figure it out. If you are using joiplay and it doesn't respond or something like that, check your permission settings for the joiplay app.

Tried everything still wouldn't save, but games more this way (for me at least)

I can't save my progress on my phone (using joiplay) 


You can save by opening the save menu and pressing the little floppy disk icon or pressing the 'save to disk' button. It might look different depending on what browser setting or app you use, but surely you can figure it out. If you are using joiplay and it doesn't respond or something like that, check your permission settings for the joiplay app.

Idk how to save in mobile (using joiplay)


You can save by opening the save menu and pressing the little floppy disk icon or pressing the 'save to disk' button. It might look different depending on what browser setting or app you use, but surely you can figure it out. If you are using joiplay and it doesn't respond or something like that, check your permission settings for the joiplay app.

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